I watched Carlos Yulo win his two gold medals, and the reaction online from the diasporic Asian communities have been very celebratory! I think I could say I was also rooting for him from home here in Canada. It's unfortunate that these victories have been mired with so much drama at home. Hopefully it doesn't overshine from the moment of athletes by the time they arrive home.

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Ha—I guess we won't be talking about that on Wednesday when the "heroes' parade" takes place. It seems the zeitgeist and the media has moved on... well, at least from the mommy issues. We will be talking about all those incentives (as is the West, I notice). And Caloy will remain a two-time gold winner.

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Stumbled upon this piece a while after you've posted but commenting because I hadn't seen a think piece of Carlos Yulo yet. I've kind of been a fan since 2019 and was hurt by all the lashback he was receiving for something that should have been a private matter. It's consumed so much headspace for me how this whole situation is a reflection of Filipino criticism-once you are good at something, people look for something bad about you. Why must every aspect of his life be scrutizined simply because he suceeded at one thing?

Anyway, this was a lovely piece! It's nice to see a good source-backed piece on someone whose wins are in dire need of celebration and whose personal life should be kept under the covers.

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