> Except for very few circumstances—holidays, a really good phone call—I am not comfortable with staying up past midnight

As a rabidly morning person, I laughed at that. Only that I am not comfortable staying up past 10pm!

Also, grief takes time. Not talking about it makes it fester. I guess it's a fine balance between rumination and processing.

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There's a lot of "take your time healing, but never in my presence".

Also, I am usually asleep at 10! Or I'm already lying down in bed. The cat demands nothing less.

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I once had a meeting at 8am and my colleagues noticed how alert and bright I was. I told them everyone should start havjng meetings at 7 for me. Nobody took me up on my suggestion 😆

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You can’t do that in Manila, Land of the Traffic Jams.

I suppose that’s why there’s a lot of night people here—because we get home really late…

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Ironically in Malaysia it is better to be in the office by 7am. It is after 8 that is a nightmare. But I jest. Despite my morningness i would not want meetings at 7am.

I don't want meetings at all 🤣

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Ha, I’ve done that many times. It becomes a nightmare (daymare?) by seven. I tell you, Manila has it much, much worse…

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