Belle has a wonderful voice. Somber is a far stronger album in my view. What a voice. Sounds very American though even when she sings in talagog.

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The influence of American pop in the Philippines is really strong—we absorbed a lot of it, and we continue to absorb a lot of it!

But yes, agree with you. You should listen to her earlier album, Daylight. I think it's dreamier, actually.

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Jul 1Edited

I believed she's been doing a lot of stuff from acting to singing but she still manage to Co-writing Roadtrip in the album somber and solemn from the album solemn with Rox. She actually claimed that she's not good at putting her idea into words but she's good at making the idea like the song Pansamantala in the album somber she told that it's inspired from her movie an inconvenient love where she was helped by her co-writers to put them into words.

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Session Road has a sound reminiscing of a Jewel + Feist combo.

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You know, I never thought of it that way! I was stuck with how it very much feels like Baguio City—it’s where the titular road is located. Cool, breezy… and as the only place in the Philippines with a country radio station… okay, that’s a stretch.

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